2009, February 27: The first stone is set. The old foundation of the house is now supported by several rows of bricks.
2009, February 26: We are excavating manually and with a JCB in order to undercast the old foundation of the house.
2009, February 22: 1. step is to prepare the building site, so the lorries can come in on the site. We are demolishing our present terrace.
Follow the progress of the construction here >>>>
For 2009 we have plans for extending our current house with a passive section (the round part). By passive we mean that the new part of the house will be self providing with energy for heating. The central part of the heating system is the heat recovery ventilation. Additional heat to the ventilation system will be provided by solar panels (the vertical blue panels). Some electricity will be generated by photovoltage (blue panels on the roof). Preliminary calculations indicate that the passive part of the house will just need 1000 kWh from the grid during the whole winter season!!
Yeah!!! We got the building permit!!!!! They recognized the 3. version of our house (the picture you see above)
The municipality's building department didn't either recognize the 2. version of the passive house. Now the mansarded roof has been changed.
Read about it in our archive>>>>
The municipality's building department didn't recognize the 1. version of the passive house. Now the previous glazed roof has been changed for a hard roof.
Read about it in our archive>>>>
edited february 27, 2009