The internal walls can now be built. The insulation comes later on. When the walls will be finished, the space inbetween the external walls and the internal ones will be filled up with clay balls (LECA). Until then a lot of detail work needs to be done. Take a look at the following pictures.
Anton is checking if the position of the internal walls is matching the external walls.
The base plate is divided in different spaces by laid bricks made of clay balls, which will be the base of load bearing walls.
We have already now mounted the in- and outlet tubes for the ventilation system in the foundation.
The internal walls will be built on a base of clay ball bricks, which will not touch completely each other in the "corners", in order to allow any incoming water to reach the drain point in the center.
It's now ready for the laying of the internal walls, which are out of gas concrete. It's not a typical material for the region, but it is a well insulating material. It demanded a special cutting tool for the "corners".
There is a 23 cm large space inbetween the external and the internal walls. It will be later on filled with clay balls.
The first two rows of gas concrete are laid
For the moment the plastic foil is protecting from wind and rain!
On the exterior side of the internal walls a plastic foil is hanging to avoid incoming water penetrating the walls.
The internal walls as well as the base plate are now ready for receiving 27 m3 of clay balls.
The internal walls are almost at their definitive height. The plastic foil is maintained by a steel tack and later on by all the clay balls that are between the external and internal walls
All the space between the external and internal walls has been filled up with clay balls. They are used as an insulating material.