This section is divided i several subsites, where we show the progress of the construction in pictures. We began preparing the building site on february 22.
- on the subsite "Foundations" you can follow the preparation of the building site, the different foundations under the "old" house, the excavation and the casting of the base plate of the new house
- on the subsite "Cellar" you can follow the building of the external walls, the building of the internal walls, then the insulating of the cellar and at last the casting of the cellar floor.
- on the subsite "Ground Floor" you can follow the laying of the beams, which will form at the same time the floor of the ground floor and the ceiling of the cellar, the building of the internal walls, then the building of the external walls and at last the insulation of the ground floor.
- on the subsite "First Floor" you can follow the laying of the iron and wooden beams before the construction of the internal roof
- on the subsite "Roof" you can follow the construction of the internal and external roof.
Almost ready for the first concrete layer of the foundation
The base plate of the passive house is now ready
You can already imagine the rooms in the cellar
Anton is setting up a 12-sided wheel as a benchmark for the construction of the walls of the passive house
The cellar is looking like an empty swimming pool
The internal walls are out of gas concrete
The floor and the walls are insulated by clay balls
At last the floor is covered with 6 cm of concrete
On the top of the cellar beams are laid to support the ceiling or the floor of next store
The internal walls in gas concrete were finished within 2 days
The ground floor is built in red bricks
A 200 kg heavy iron beam was placed manually
The internal roof is out of a 2 layers bent plywood
The external roof is out of a 3 layers bent plywood
The external roof is covered with red roofing felt and had to be lifted up by a crane. It is placed upon the insulated internal roof
These pictures are the most significative snapshots taken during the different steps of construction